Do you want to meet our cross-cultural trainers?

We have a team of qualified trainers with a considerable business experience to assist our clients with their training or coaching needs.

Contact us to find out how we can help.

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Do you want to meet our cross-cultural trainers?

We have a team of qualified trainers with a considerable business experience to assist our clients with their training or coaching needs.

Contact us to find out how we can help.

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Meet our Cross-cultural Trainers

Meet our Cross-cultural Trainers

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We have a team of trainers worldwide that assist our clients with their training and/or coaching needs. All trainers come with their own cultural or practical business skills that ensure learners receive the most up-to-date and correct information.

Our trainers generally have a broad knowledge and experience of two or more different cultures. The ability to diagnose and treat business issues is developed through their experience in a number of different fields.

Academic Knowledge

Trainers will generally have an academic background either in specific courses such as ‘Cross Cultural Communication and Trade’ or ‘Cross Cultural Psychology’ or in related courses such as ‘International Relations’ or ‘Business Studies’.  Their studies will equip them with the academic skills and knowledge of the field that will later be applied in the business context.

Business Know-how

Business Know-how


professional techniciansIt is critical for trainers to have considerable business experience.  If this is lacking then academic knowledge is not usually sufficient to understand the mechanics of business operations.

In order to understand how things work and the different challenges facing managers and staff it is critical to have experienced it firsthand.

Training Experience

Through courses and practical experience a trainer will have knowledge of training techniques. This will include communication skills, presentation methods, the use of activities, workshops and exercises to encourage engagement and interactivity as well as the utilization of different technology and media.

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